The robot, created by Promobot, can speak several languages and can be customized to match any educational program. 

Promobot V.4 was put into operation to assist medical classes at the secondary school in the fall of 2023. The robot assists students in achieving proficiency in medical and related disciplines, contributing to the establishment of an educational ambience 

 «Every child is unique, so the robot can adapt to their individual needs due to its advanced technology and artificial intelligence. It also can tell interesting facts from different areas of knowledge, and most importantly, become a good friend for students», — Oleg Kivokurtsev, Promobot Development Director commented.

The use of robots in education enables the adaptation of teaching materials to suit the individual knowledge levels of students. By doing that, students can be encouraged to take a greater interest in medicine and consider a future in the healthcare sector.

Not only is Promobot V.4 a technological advancement, but it is also a crucial component of instructional support. Robots can foster creativity, logical thinking and student skills. In addition, Promobot can be adapted to the specifics of any curriculum. 

Promobot was founded in 2015 in Perm. The company has been a resident of Skolkovo since the same year. Today, Promobot is the largest manufacturer of service robots in Europe. Promobots work in 45 countries around the world as administrators, promoters, consultants, guides and concierges, replacing or supplementing ‘real’ employees. Promobot robots can be found in major banks, museums, airports and shopping centers all over the world.

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